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marți, mai 17, 2011

Magic of Heka Ritual Temple Workshop

Magic of Heka Ritual Temple Workshop
May 6-8  2011

For our mod­ern world people the meth­ods employed by the ancient Egyp­tians may seem odd or even extreme, but they were work­ing with the most pow­er­ful ener­gies in the Universe.
We have been lured to this Heka workshop by human magic we touch and  also to experience  Achu the magic of the Gods and Divine. This has been done with the Boat of Millions of years. Sounds amazing and … unbelievable! Yes I know… and still it is true  and has been done once more by mortals. Traveling on the land of Gods and walk with them and drink with them from the river of life from the things that are rare and almost unreachable by humans.
Through Heka we receive the  gift and blessing from Ra himself and all other heavenly beings. We have been presented with entire family of Egyptian Gods and Goddesses that come together and work in harmony.
All deities (Netjer) and supernatural Being of ancient Egipt had their own Heka, it was an intrinsic part of their very nature, as much as their bodies and names. Just as the Netjer had Heka, so the forces of chaos, such as the great serpent Apep (Apophis), had their own Heka. And we work to gain that Heka and use Apep to get rid of fears and put him under our feet as Saint George in Cristian iconography or  KwanYin in Asian believes.

Tehuty (Thoth) is said to have the most Heka of all the Netjer.
The Netjer Heka is also connected to the Boat of Sun God RA or Boat of Millions of years, it is one of the forces that holds the Universe together and brings life into being.
Because Heka connects everything from the divine to the material, it is invariably linked to Ma'at. The word Ma'at is usually translated as meaning 'justice, truth, balance' and like Heka, its concept however, involves much more.
I can say it was a marathon of spiritual, ancient cities, a kind of voyage that you can not undertake outside of a temple. We have visited the wonderful lands of Island of Punt, Asyut, city of Jackal, Heliopolis,  Memphis etc.
We helped Horus the Falcon God to get reborn from cosmic egg and walked together on the River of the Stars.
Many things cannot be said without  losing form or powers. Heka  has been searched  by seekers of the light and thought.
It has been a cosmic trip in which all participants had an active role to play, some work to do or things to say. Nothing or nobody has been left aside not even the vigil time with yourself. A moment of peace or maybe some fear… to stay together and to share same time, same place of cosmic egg with Anubis or with Isis or even with almighty Ra.
We should thank  Ina for her awesome work to put all things together, the gods and humans, with all their needs and our thoughts and give a cosmic mark 10 for act,  for all the job that has been done.