Search for Koreans origin leads to lake Baikal
Posted by scoalamisterelor in Lake Baikal, Samanism, Scoala Misterelor, Video
Search for Koreans origin leads to lake Baikal
Bardo: life after death
The doctrine of death and rebirth, Bardo todrol, was born in Tibetan
Buddhism. The information about it is presented in the Tibetan Book of
the Dead.
Death is not the end, but the birth is not the beginning. Death means that the higher self “I” leaves the gross body.
The term “bardo” refers to “transitional state” of consciousness
and usually the state of existence intermediate between two lives on
However, in a cyclic process of life-death-rebirth, there are four
main types of Bardo, i.e transitional states of consciousness according
to some schools in Tibet.
1. The first type of these states is Bardo of Birth, this is what we call life. It is also called Bardo of life.
Now we are born and live in the world of humans. Our individual
karma, that is, the actions that we commit during our present lifetime
will determine the kind of world we will be reborn in our next lifetime.
Within Bardo of life we can distinguish three types of consciousness
state: Bardo of sleeping state, Bardo of awaken state, and Bardo of
meditative state.
2. Bardo of the moment of death is a state that lasts from the
beginning of dying until the separation of the soul from the body.
Just before the death, the senses stop working, and this is a sign
of entering into the Bardo of dying. First, we no longer hear, then no
longer see, then subsequently the sense of smell disappears, then the
taste and the touch. After that, while we are still alive, our body
begins to break down into four basic elements: Earth, Water, Fire and
Wind. Upon the completion of this process we are considered dead.
However, after the death, the soul for a short time still remains in the heart center.
The seven laws of Hermes Trismegistus
Hermeticism is associated with the personality of Hermes Trismegistus, who left the traces of his presence in different parts of the world for hundreds of years. In particular, he was the last king of Atlantis, a high priest in ancient Egypt and the one who contributed to the preservation and dissemination of ancient knowledge on Earth.
Once during archaeological excavations researchers discovered some pottery smithers with strange inscriptions and deciphered them. These were the most ancient laws of humanity. And the most striking thing is that these laws still work in our times.
The first law of Hermes "THE ALL IS MIND; The Universe is Mental."
What does it mean? What is the mind ? Mentality is our thought forms. It means a presence of thought in any subject matter. Our planet is a thinking being. It does not matter whether you believe it or not. Try to imagine that there are thinking entities everywhere around you. Try to listen, to communicate with these entities. And see, what will be the result of this communication.
The second law is the law of correspondence, "As below, so above. As above, so below. "
According to the second law, if you want to have something tangible in this world, your thought forms have to be clear and explicit. If you are not telling or defining clearly something, if you are not certain about your desires, they will never be fulfilled. Because the effect of mirror reflection is functioning here: "As below, so above. As above, so below. "
So, if you have a disorder in your home and don't clean up, on mental level too you will probably be a mess. If you have a particular desire, it must be very clearly related to what you have on your physical level.
If you want to become a great writer, the desk you are working at should be in absolute order promoting your work: no dust, no dirt, minimum number of drafts, required books. When drafts are all over and get collected somewhere, you get chaos and it becomes difficult to move on.
Suppose you have your own sewing workshop. You should clearly see what you are going to sew tomorrow, in a year or two. You need to be clear on the future of the workpiece, otherwise there will be no progress. If you store old dirty rags and do not find any use for them, it will stop your progress. In any business, you need to clearly see what you'll do. And do not wait for tomorrow, if you postpone all is gone.
The third law is the law of vibration. "Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.”
seminarii online Inițiere în secretele Tarotului
Posted by scoalamisterelor in Conferinte, Cursuri, Institutul Hermetic, Tarot, Webbinar
Seria de seminarii online Inițiere în secretele Tarotului
Se bazează pe cartea “Inițiere în secretele Tarotului” de Raul Petrișor care va apărea curând.
Este o abordare din punct de vedere divinatoriu și hermetic.
Pentru cei care doresc diplomă oferită de către Institutul Hermetic ca și Practician de bază cu Tarot trebuie să completeze toate temele de casă oferite, la fiecare seminar.
Pentru cei care pierd sau nu pot intra pe server online vor putea viziona înregistrarea atunci când timpul și posibilitățile o permit. Doar că nu vor putea dresa întrebări. In afara seminarului nu mai oferim suport, aceasta datorita timpului limitat și care trebuie direcționat eficient.
La terminarea tuturor serilor de webinarii online gratis ele nu vor mai putea fi accesat pe gratis și vor face parte din suport de curs plătit.
La sfârșitul fiecărui seminare se vor primi documente pentru tema de casa care trebuie completate și trimise.
Lector: Raul Petrișor
Citește mai multe.
Happy New Black Water Snake Year 2013 !
Posted by scoalamisterelor in Articole, Institutul Hermetic, Samanism, Scoala Misterelor
Happy New Black Water Snake Year 2013 !
On February 11, 2013 Buddhists around the world celebrate New Year
according to the Buddhist calendar, the year of the Black Water Snake.
Tibetan New Year, or Losar (sometimes known as Losar Gyalpo – Imperial
New Year) is celebrated for a maximum of 2 weeks, sometimes more,
sometimes less.
Usually, during these days you can see many interesting things like
animals and ritual dancing skeletons, black hats dance, dance with
swords, battle stages between good and evil, fire performances and a
mystery spectacle Tsam, with different historical and mythological
Buddhists Losar is the sacred period that should be devoted to family,
feasts and celebrations. In order for the coming year to be successful,
at the end of the finishing year it is good to do a spring cleaning in the
house and paint it with fresh paint.
Homes are decorated with lights, and the roofs of homes with
decorative umbrellas and prayer flags. The walls, pillars and beams of
the house, and even the yard are decorated with drawings made of a
special paint with flour or batter.
They represent different characters that are bringing luck such as
the moon, the sun, or a flower or a vase. Also to decorate people use
small flashlights and juniper branches, attached to the door. People
throw out of their homes last year’s debris and junk, as it is
considered a bad thing to enter the New Year with old trash and dirt.
In some areas, people make in advance a small sculpt, a small figure
named Linga, tying to it pieces of expensive cloth, ribbons, coins and
all sorts of decorations. Then, all family members perform a special
rite, conjuring spirits of grief and unhappiness to enter into Linga.
On the last day of the last month of the old year a specially
invited Lama comes, he takes the figure and burns it in a specially prepared
To entertain family and friends, Tibetans bake mountains of
cakes, and also some special buns for a divination, which are stuffed
with a variety of items: chips, chunks of coal, scraps of paper, yak
hair, medicinal roots, rice and even lumps of manure, or salt.
If a person finds a paper in his bun in the coming year
Princess of Altai Mountains
Mountain plateau Ukok is located in the south of the Altai Mountains
at a height of about three kilometers above sea level and has long been
considered a sacred territory.
plateau borders with Russia, China, Mongolia, and Kazahstan. According
to indigenous Altai tribes, exactly here, at the foot of the great
mountains Tavyn Bogdo Ola, the mountainous world, the second layer of
the heavens begins.
Even today modern day Altai residents believe that this is a a closed
area, which can not be disturbed in vain, and if a person comes into
this place with bad intentions, his family will have an inevitable
Local residents are afraid to go up to the glacier, firmly believing
there are living spirits there and consider the mountains to be sacred.
Any form of regular activities is prohibited, except for the ritual
ones, which is allowed only for the shamans.
It is difficult to get here, from a helicopter you can see a
breathtaking, beautiful and eerie view with giant, towering boulders,
steep cliffs, and the river Ak-Alah. Perhaps there is no other place in
the Altai more fantastic and unearthly than this one.
There is the following explanation of the name of Ukok plateau, in
Mongolian uheg literally means extended cabinet, drawer, a massive
mountain or large hill with a flat top.
Ukok in Kyrgyz language is used to describe mountains with flat
peak. The word “Ukek” was used as the name of the city in the ancient
Bulgar kingdom, the ruins of which were found near Saratov.
Burial complexes on Ukok Plateau also have a sacred character. It was
here, near the border with China, the researchers found a buried mummy
of a young woman, who was probably revered as goddess during her
lifetime. On her left shoulder there is a well-preserved tattoo with a depicted
sacred symbol, the Altaic griffin. This wonderful lady was named the
Altai Princess.
What makes this burial unique is that six chestnut horses were buried
together with the woman … According to Chinese mythology, these horses
were called cylin heavenly horses that were able to take a man to ascend
to dizzying heights.
They were a mixture with a griffin and were associated with the image
of the Mother Goddess, who gave birth to the whole human race.
The vestment of the woman is also very unusual. Her clothes were made of fine silk, and framed with thick red belt.
Archaeologists believe that this is the sign mark of a warrior and of
an initiate. Her tall hat with golden complex decorations says of her
magic power, according to ancient beliefs she was a keeper of secrets of
creation and immortality.
Local residents claim that they have always known about the burial on
the plateau Ukok and their ancestress named Kadyn, but did not dare to
disturb her sacred dream.
The ancient Greek historian Herodotus, a contemporary of the
mysterious Princess, was writing about Scythians, the tribes inhabiting
the mountainous Altai, who were able to shape-shift into griffins
guarding the gold. These unknown beings were very tall and had an
unearthly appearance.
Herodotus says that the Scythians had their kings, which were governed by
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